Pine Straw Mulch

Pine Straw Mulch Services

Garden bed in Murfreesboro with Pine Straw Mulch 2

What is Pine Straw Mulch?

Mulch is the layer of organic material used to cover the space around and between plantings in a garden bed for aesthetic and practical purposes. Pine straw serves as a unique mulch type since it is made of pine needles, as opposed to bark or wood chips like other mulches.

Why use pine straw mulch?

Pine straw shares benefits with using any mulch, as well as a few particular aspects that make applying it useful in different circumstances. Any mulch will provide an insulating layer over the breathing roots of the plant, as well as a barrier to keep water from evaporating out of the soil. All mulches are nutrient dense, and relatively acidic, which feeds the plants in your garden as it breaks down. The acidity in pine straw is higher than in other mulches, making it ideal for plants that thrive in more acidic soil. With pine straw, the long needles allow for it to knit together tightly, preventing the mulch from leaving the bed, and the soil from eroding. It is also extremely light and easy to spread as well, which will save time and energy on spreading or moving the mulch.

Low Maintenance Garden bed in Murfreesboro with Pine Straw Mulch
Garden bed in Franklin with Pine Straw Mulch 3

Aesthetic appeal of pine straw

Pine straw can look amazing in any setting, but there are several areas where it really gets the chance to shine. Invoking the feeling of wandering through the forest, pine straw mulch has versatile aesthetic uses in the landscape. If you are looking to improve a shadier area on the property, or one with many trees, pine straw can be used to complement the atmosphere that already exists.

Where to buy Pine Straw Mulch

Your home for the mulches you need.

Our recommended supplier is Midsouth Mulch in Franklin Tn. Get in touch with them at


Ask about their selection of pine straw mulch.
We have a trusted mulch supplier we recommend for all of our customers who are looking to just have mulch delivered to their home. They are wonderful to work with, offer a wide range of high-quality products that they will deliver and install at your home. Conveniently located in Franklin, Tn, Midsouth is our recommended supplier in the mulch industry. Whether you want to help prevent erosion in your beds, feed your plants better, or just spruce up the look of your beds, mulch from Midsouth is the way to go!